January 1926
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Mercy Baldwin
- Doris Cooper
- Countee Cullen
- Elizabeth Durham
Table of Contents
Florence Kiper Frank
Maude Skillman
Elizabeth Malcolm Durham
Countee Cullen
Gray Songs
Mercy Baldwin
Helen M. Francis
Archibald Rutledge
Charles Brega James
Three Poems
Katherine Newton
Willard Johnson
Phyllis Reid
Leonora Speyer
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
Robert Louis Burgess
Eda Lou Walton
Brief Notices
- Edward Sapir
- Florence Kiper Frank
- Maude Skillman
- Elizabeth Malcolm Durham
- Countee Cullen
- Mercy Baldwin
- Helen M. Francis
- Archibald Rutledge
- Charles Brega James
- Doris Cooper
- Katherine Newton
- Willard Johnson
- Phyllis Reid
- Leonora Speyer
- Harriet Monroe
- Robert Louis Burgess
- Eda Lou Walton