January 1913
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Ezra Pound
- Kendall Banning
- Roscoe Brink
- Madison Cawein
- H. D.
Table of Contents
Vachel Lindsay
Madison Cawein
Anita Fitch
Kendall Banning
Edith Franklin Wyatt
Ernest Rhys
Roscoe W. Brink
Verses, Translations, and Reflections from "The Anthology"
Editorial Comment
Ezra Pound
Harriet Monroe
- Vachel Lindsay
- Madison Cawein
- Anita Fitch
- Kendall Banning
- Edith Franklin Wyatt
- Ernest Rhys
- Roscoe W. Brink
- H.D.