Glory Be to the Gang Gang Gang
In praise of all that is honest, call upon the acrylic tips
and make a minaret out of a middle finger, gold-dipped
and counting. In the name of Filet-O-Fish, pink lemonade,
the sweat on an upper lip, the backing swell and ache
of Abdul Basit Abdus Samad on cassette tape, a clean jump shot,
the fluff of Ashanti’s sideburns, the rice left in the pot
the calling cards and long waits, the seasonal burst
of baqalah-bought dates.
Every time they leave and come back
Birthmarks shaped like border disputes.
Black sand. Shah Rukh’s dimples, like bullets
taking our aunts back to those summer nights,
these blessings on blessings on blessings.
Give me the rub of calves,
rappers sampling jazz,
the char of frankincense
and everything else that makes sense
in a world that don’t.