- Virgil
- David Ferry
- Michael Ryan
- Marianne Boruch
- Kevin Powers
From this Issue
poemBy VirgilAs he spoke we could hear, ever more loudly, the noiseOf the burning fires; the flood of flames was comingNearer and nearer. “My father, let me take youUpon my shoulders and carry you with me.The burden will be easy. Whatever...
poemBy Marianne BoruchHe was touched or he touched orshe did and was, or they wereand would. Or the room could, itsthree doors, two windows orthe house on a slant touching,touched by the drift down street, carspressing quick or slowing. All alongthe...
Table of Contents
Marianne Boruch
Michael Ryan
Kevin C. Powers
Arthur Vogelsang
Kim Addonizio
Chelsea Rathburn
Rhoda Janzen
Peter Munro
Dean Young
Bruce Mackinnon
Stephen Dunn
Sarah Barber
Wendy Videlock
The Editors
Mary Ann Caws
Joshua Mehigan
Michael Hofmann
Charles Bernstein
Ange Mlinko
D. A. Powell
Thomas Sayers Ellis
A.E. Stallings
Hate Socialist Collective
Nate Klug
Sasha Dugdale
Averill Curdy
Jon Stallworthy
Rob Jacques
Michael Robbins
Steven Collins
Jerry Payne
Beverley Bie Brahic
Carmine Starnino
Michael Greenspan
Fred Souk
The Editors
- Sasha Dugdale
- Averill Curdy
- Jon Stallworthy
- Rob Jacques
- Michael Robbins
- Steven Collins
- Jerry Payne
- Beverley Bie Brahic
- Carmine Starnino
- Michael Greenspan
- Fred Souk