February 2003
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Steven Barza
- Stephen Dunn
- Elliot Figman
- Andrew Grace
- Winifred Hughes
From this Issue
poemBy Stephen DunnRent a flatbed with a winch.With the right leverageanything can be hoisted, driven off.Or the man with a Bobcat comes in,then the hauler with his enormous truck.A leveler or a lawyer does the rest;experts always are willing to help.The structure...
poemBy Mitch RobersonIt begins with the lewd macarenaeach of us performs in the shower,then the modified twist we are hip towith that ever-absorbent partner, the towel,and on to the funky chicken of...
poemBy Joyce SutphenWhat am I to you now that you are nolonger what you used to be to me?Who are we to each other now thatthere is no us, now that what we oncewere is divided into me and youwho are not...
Table of Contents
Jerald Winakur
Andrew Grace
Ronald Wallace
Mitch Roberson
Belle Randall
Elliot Figman
Joyce Sutphen
Len Roberts
Winifred Hughes
Steven Barza
Charles Simic
Bruce F. Murphy
David Baker
- Stephen Dunn
- Jerald Winakur
- D. Nurkse
- Andrew Grace
- Sophocles
- Ronald Wallace
- Mitch Roberson
- Belle Randall
- Elliot Figman
- Joyce Sutphen
- Len Roberts
- Winifred Hughes
- Steven Barza
- Charles Simic
- James Tate
- Bruce F. Murphy
- David Baker