February 2002
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Teresa Cader
- Bill Christophersen
- Billy Collins
- Dawn Corrigan
- Mary Karr
From this Issue
poemBy Brent PallasThe day had finally comewhen everything thereseemed misplaced or out of placeas an ex's box of things. The unusedbeside the irreplaceable, the easy-to-assemble uncomplicated nowby...
poemBy Michael McFeeFour lanes over, a plump helium heart—slipped, maybe, from some kid’s wristor a rushed lover's empty front seatthrough a half-cracked car window—rises like a shiny purple cloudlettoward today’s gray mess of clouds,trailing its gold ribbon like lightningthat will never strike...
Table of Contents
Billy Collins
Roberta Spear
Teresa Cader
Dawn Corrigan
Nance Van Winckel
Catherine Tufariello
Mary Karr
Elisavietta Ritchie
Lynne Knight
Joyce Sutphen
Brent Pallas
Terry Savoie
David Moolten
Robyn Sarah
Bill Christophersen
Michael McFee
Bruce F. Murphy
John Taylor
- Billy Collins
- Roberta Spear
- Teresa Cader
- Dawn Corrigan
- Nance Van Winckel
- Catherine Tufariello
- Mary Karr
- Elisavietta Ritchie
- Lynne Knight
- Joyce Sutphen
- Brent Pallas
- Terry Savoie
- David Moolten
- Robyn Sarah
- Bill Christophersen
- Michael McFee
- Bruce F. Murphy
- John Taylor