February 1982
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Michael Milburn
- W. Aberg
- Daniel Breazeale
- William Carpenter
- Christopher Corkery
Table of Contents
Alice Goodman
Julia Mishkin
William Carpenter
Michael Waters
Christopher Jane Corkery
Ellen Bryant Voigt
Gregg J. Gormley
Daniel Breazeale
Paul Hamill
James Ulmer
W. M. Aberg
Miller Williams
William H. Pritchard
Michael Milburn
- Alice Goodman
- Julia Mishkin
- William Carpenter
- Michael Waters
- Christopher Jane Corkery
- Ellen Bryant Voigt
- Baron Wormser
- Gregg J. Gormley
- Daniel Breazeale
- Paul Hamill
- James Ulmer
- W. M. Aberg
- Miller Williams
- William H. Pritchard
- Michael Milburn