February 1969
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- James Atlas
- Marvin Bell
- Bill Dodd
- Donald Justice
- X Kennedy
Table of Contents
William Jay Smith
Joel Oppenheimer
Bill Dodd
James Atlas
T. M. McCormack
Grace Schulman
Lawrence Raab
X J Kennedy
Donald Justice
Frank O'Hara
Richard Howard
- Twenty Poems, by Pablo Neruda (Tr. by Robert Bly and James Wright)
- Selected Letters of Theodore Roethke (Ed. by Ralph J. Mills, Jr.)
- The Equilibrist: A Study of John Crowe Ransom's Poems, 1916-1963, by Robert Buffington
- Yeats' Autobiography, by Joseph Ronsley
- Selected Writings, by Jules Supervielle
- Masters & Friends, by Paul Valéry (Tr. by Martin Turnell) (Ed. by Jackson Matthews)
- Modern Spanish Theatre: An Anthology of Plays (Ed. by Michael Benedikt and George Wellwarth) [Valle-Incln]
- The Gaucho Martís;n Fierro, by José Hernndez (Tr. by C. E. Ward) (Ed. by Frank G. Carrino and Alberto J. Carlos)
- Affirmation: A Bilingual Anthology, 1919-1966, by Jorge Guillén (Tr. by Julian Palley)
- Masters and Friends
- The Virgil Woods, by Henry Braun
- The Perfect Fiction, by Gilbert Sorrentino
- Answer Back, by Donald Finkel
- Striking the Stones, by Daniel Hoffman
- Selected Poems, by Vernon Watkins
- Collected Poems 1915-1967, by Kenneth Burke
- Collected Poems, by Dilys Laing
- William Jay Smith
- Marvin Bell
- Joel Oppenheimer
- Bill Dodd
- James Atlas
- T. M. McCormack
- Grace Schulman
- Lawrence Raab