February 1937
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- John Cournos
- Joseph Hone
- Matthew Biller
- John Bishop
- R. Blackmur
Table of Contents
Homage to Audubon
John Peale Bishop
Louise Bogan
R. P. Blackmur
Facing the Day
Stephen Stepanchev
Two Poems
Delmore Schwartz
Sydney S. Salt
Past and Present
Richmond Lattimore
Mary Littledale
The Season Turns
Alice Gustava Smith
Lola Pergament
The Faithful Shadow
Winona Montgomery Gilliland
Two Poems
Mary N. S. Whiteley
Henry W. Rago
Marianne Moore
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Robert Penn Warren
Horace Gregory
C. A. Millspaugh
Ben Belitt
Henry W. Rago
Elsa Gidlow
- John Peale Bishop
- Louise Bogan
- R. P. Blackmur
- Stephen Stepanchev
- Delmore Schwartz
- Sydney S. Salt
- Richmond Lattimore
- Mary Littledale
- Alice Gustava Smith
- Lola Pergament
- Winona Montgomery Gilliland
- Matthew Biller
- Mary N. S. Whiteley
- Henry W. Rago
- Beatrice Goldsmith
- Marianne Moore
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Robert Penn Warren
- Horace Gregory
- C. A. Millspaugh
- Ben Belitt
- Elsa Gidlow