February 1928
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Jessica North
- Marion Brown
- Tom Freeman
- Elsa Gidlow
Table of Contents
Lost City
Ruth Evelyn Henderson
Louis Ginsberg
Norse-Immigrant Ballads
Borghild Lee
Tom Freeman
L. A. G. Strong
Two Poems
Pauline Leader
Mary Russell
John Hyde Preston
Marion Francis Brown
Audrey Wurdemann
Edwin Lewis Peterson
Elsa Gidlow
Jessica Nelson North
Harriet Monroe
H. L. Davis
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Marie Luhrs
Jessica Nelson North
Nelson Antrim Crawford
Margery Swett Mansfield
- Marion Strobel
- Ruth Evelyn Henderson
- Louis Ginsberg
- Borghild Lee
- Tom Freeman
- L. A. G. Strong
- Pauline Leader
- Mary Russell
- John Hyde Preston
- Marion Francis Brown
- Audrey Wurdemann
- Edwin Lewis Peterson
- Elsa Gidlow
- Jessica Nelson North
- Harriet Monroe
- H. L. Davis
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Marie Luhrs
- Nelson Antrim Crawford
- Margery Swett Mansfield