February 1921
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- John Crawford
- Harriet Monroe
- Sarah Cleghorn
- Hildegarde Flanner
- Horace Holley
Table of Contents
Max Michelson
Harold Monro
That Year
Marion Strobel
Emmy Veronica Sanders
Clinton Scollard
Anna Spencer Twitchell
Sarah N. Cleghorn
The Way Things Go
Harriet Monroe
Emanuel Carnevali
Eunice Tietjens
Harriet Monroe
John W. Crawford
- Max Michelson
- Harold Monro
- Marion Strobel
- Hildegarde Flanner
- Wade Oliver
- Horace Holley
- Emmy Veronica Sanders
- Clinton Scollard
- Frances Shaw
- Anna Spencer Twitchell
- Sarah N. Cleghorn
- Genevieve Taggard
- Harriet Monroe
- Emanuel Carnevali
- Eunice Tietjens
- John W. Crawford