February 1917
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Alice Henderson
- Harriet Monroe
- Ezra Pound
- Carl Sandburg
- Mary Austin
Table of Contents
Along the South Star Trail
Frank S. Gordon
Alice Corbin Henderson
Indian Songs
Alice Corbin Henderson
Mary Austin
Constance Lindsay Skinner
Edward Eastaway
Editorial Comment
Harriet Monroe
Carl Sandburg
Alice Corbin Henderson
Ezra Pound
Edith Franklin Wyatt
Eunice Tietjens
John Gould Fletcher
Agnes Lee
Alexander S. Kaun
Dorothy Dudley
- Frank S. Gordon
- Alice Corbin Henderson
- Mary Austin
- Constance Lindsay Skinner
- Edward Eastaway
- John Gould Fletcher
- Agnes Lee
- Alexander S. Kaun
- Dorothy Dudley