Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue

a stranger’s head
slide your dick
’tween licking lips

his throat takes it
sweet & deep
pump his face
ride on

you tense up
he bites down
to prevent you
from pulling out

unclamp his teeth
shut your eyes

he whispers
“why didn’t you
give me the load”

eyebrows raised
button your 501s
pat his back
hurry home

crusted with cum
fill in the day’s
diary entry

“to understand
the phenomenon
of whales
beaching themselves

step inside
a backroom bar
a colony of men

on their knees
or bent over
in an open chorus
of viral wails”

This poem is part of “Déjà Vu: A Folio on Assotto Saint.” You can read the rest of the portfolio in the May 2023 issue. All poems and essays in the portfolio are from Sacred Spells: Collected Works by Assotto Saint (Nightboat Books, 2023). Reprinted with permission of Nightboat Books.

Source: Poetry (May 2023)
More Poems by Assotto Saint