December 1998
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- David Alpaugh
- Turner Cassity
- Richard Cecil
- Billy Collins
- Elton Glaser
From this Issue
poemBy Derek WalcottStunned heat of noon. In shade, tan, silken cowshide in the thorned acacias. A butterfly staggers.Stamping their hooves from thirst, small horses drowseor whinny for water. On parched, ochre headlands, daggersof agave bristle in primordial defense,like a cornered monster backed...
poemBy Alan R. Shapiroproceeds by chanceand necessitybecomes nonrandomthrough randomnessbuilds complexityfrom simplicitynurtures consciousnessunconsciouslyevolves purposelesslycreatures who demandpurposeand discovernatural selection
poemBy Brian SwannThe bluebird's cold mistimed eggfetched up from the one-leggedbox after the pair had left forpoints south & unknown (never,as it turned out, to return) Irenested in the half-geode bythe windowsill where it gleamed&, months becoming years, seemedabout to last forever,...
Table of Contents
Derek Walcott
Maura Stanton
Richard Cecil
Elton Glaser
Alan R. Shapiro
Brian Swann
Jack Stewart
Rodney Jones
Gary Soto
Turner Cassity
Linda Gregerson
David Alpaugh
Billy Collins
Stephen Stepanchev
Philip Schultz
F. D. Reeve
James Sutherland-Smith
Sidney Wade
Linda Pastan
John Taylor
- Derek Walcott
- Maura Stanton
- Richard Cecil
- Elton Glaser
- Alan R. Shapiro
- Brian Swann
- Jack Stewart
- Philip Schultz
- F. D. Reeve
- James Sutherland-Smith
- Sidney Wade
- Linda Pastan
- John Taylor