December 1971
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Michael Burkard
- Robert Burns
- Paul Celan
- William Heyen
- Walter Kerr
Table of Contents
Greg Kuzma
William E. Stafford
Eleven Poems by Paul Celan
Lynn Strongin
Michael Burkard
William Heyen
Robert Grant Burns
William H. Pritchard
- Positives
- Blue Mountain, by James Liddy
- The Sad Mountain, by Tom Earley
- From Bourgeois Land, by Iain Crichton Smith
- The Loiners, by Tony Harrison
- Maximum Security Ward, by Ramon Guthrie
- Farming: A Hand Book, by Wendell Berry
- New & Selected Poems, by William Jay Smith
- Magic Papers, by Irving Feldman
- Notebook, by Robert Lowell
James Atlas
Daryl Hine
David Wright
- Greg Kuzma
- William E. Stafford
- David Wright
- Paul Celan
- Lynn Strongin
- Michael Burkard
- Jack Myers
- William Heyen
- Robert Grant Burns
- Walter H. Kerr
- William H. Pritchard
- James Atlas
- Daryl Hine