December 1966
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Hugh Kenner
- Joseph Bennett
- Paul Blackburn
- Barbara Gibbs
- Mick Gidley
Table of Contents
Three Worlds
Gary Snyder
Paul Blackburn
David Ignatow
From Passion-Love: A Cycle of Poems
Mick Gidley
Kathleen Spivack
Phyllis Harris
Joseph D. Bennett
Kenneth Rexroth
Five Shaped Poems
X J Kennedy
Howard Wamsley
William Van O'Connor
Hugh Kenner
James L. Weil
- Gary Snyder
- Paul Blackburn
- David Ignatow
- Barbara Gibbs
- Mick Gidley
- Kathleen Spivack
- Phyllis Harris
- Joseph D. Bennett
- Kenneth Rexroth
- John Hollander
- X J Kennedy
- Howard Wamsley
- William Van O'Connor
- Arthur Freeman
- James L. Weil
- Felix N. Stefanile
- Frank Lentricchia Jr.
- Hugh Kenner