December 1953
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Archibald MacLeish
- Cid Corman
- John Gill
- Robert Horan
- Allen Kanfer
Table of Contents
Four Poems
Marvin Solomon
V. R. Lang
Ernest Sandeen
Allen Kanfer
E. L. Mayo
Cid Corman
John J. Gill
Donald Petersen
Galway Kinnell
Robert Horan
Archibald MacLeish
Philip Ferguson Legler
Parker Tyler
John McCormick
Harry Roskolenko
- Marvin Solomon
- V. R. Lang
- Ernest Sandeen
- Allen Kanfer
- E. L. Mayo
- Cid Corman
- John J. Gill
- Donald Petersen
- Galway Kinnell
- Robert Horan
- Archibald MacLeish
- Philip Ferguson Legler
- Parker Tyler
- John McCormick
- Harry Roskolenko