December 1933
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Morton Zabel
- F. Leavis
- Joseph Hone
- Peggy Church
Table of Contents
Plateau Poems
Axton Clark
Tomorrow's Sun
Alice Corbin Henderson
Under Green and Brown Hills
Peggy Pond Church
Fritz Richter
Purple of Sleep
Mary Ray McCullar
Leo C. Turner
Haniel Long
Kenneth C. Kaufman
John Gould Fletcher
Mary Austin
Harriet Monroe
John Gould Fletcher
Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Ina Sizer Cassidy
- Axton Clark
- Alice Corbin Henderson
- Peggy Pond Church
- Fritz Richter
- Mary Ray McCullar
- Leo C. Turner
- Haniel Long
- Kenneth C. Kaufman
- Paul Horgan
- John Gould Fletcher
- Mary Austin
- Harriet Monroe
- Morton Dauwen Zabel