December 1927
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Ezra Pound
- George Dillon
- Elfrida Barrow
- Ellen Glines
- Arthur Kramer
Table of Contents
Leonora Speyer
Elizabeth Madox Roberts
Ellen Glines
Three Poems of Yorkshire
Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
Charles L. O'Donnell
Two Poems
Anthony Wrynn
Elfrida De Renne Barrow
Round and Round
Sterling North
Arthur J. Kramer
Harriet Monroe
Ezra Pound
Harriet Monroe
Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Leonora Speyer
- Elizabeth Madox Roberts
- Ellen Glines
- Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
- Charles L. O'Donnell
- Anthony Wrynn
- Elfrida De Renne Barrow
- Sterling North
- Arthur J. Kramer
- Harriet Monroe
- Ezra Pound
- Morton Dauwen Zabel