December 1921
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Charles Case
- Harriet Monroe
- Bertha Wardell
- Glenway Wescott
- Emanuel Carnevali
Table of Contents
Louise Ayres Garnett
Walter De La Mare
Harriet Monroe
Two Negro Spirituals
Fenton Johnson
Handful of Ashes
Dorothy Dow
From a Bay-Window
Laurence Vail
Two Poems
Henry Zolinsky
Winifred Waldron
Paul Tanaquil
Harriet Monroe
Glenway Wescott
Marion Strobel
Laura Sherry
Isidor Schneider
Baker Brownell
Nelson Antrim Crawford
Isidor Schneider
Charles Albert Case and Bertha Wardell
- Louise Ayres Garnett
- Walter De La Mare
- Harriet Monroe
- Fenton Johnson
- Dorothy Dow
- Pearl Andelson Sherry
- Laurence Vail
- Henry Zolinsky
- Winifred Waldron
- Paul Tanaquil
- Emanuel Carnevali
- Glenway Wescott
- Marion Strobel
- Laura Sherry
- Isidor Schneider
- Baker Brownell
- Nelson Antrim Crawford
- Charles Albert Case
- Bertha Wardell