De Profundis

For eleven gay men in my building

his shades of blossoms ties
that thread-thin silver bells bracelet
always laced round his left wrist
late-night strolls through chelsea
with mini carmen aida his poodles
the summer-long peach tans
come-on-boy-let’s-dance glance at the cockring
torrid tales of travels
strangers of all colors nested never long
studio of strobes walled by books opera disco
he craved french fries kiwis gin
i tried to see anything but his casket
gorged by the ground
the tears were for myself
one day
i shall be in this

This poem is part of “Déjà Vu: A Folio on Assotto Saint.” You can read the rest of the portfolio in the May 2023 issue. All poems and essays in the portfolio are from Sacred Spells: Collected Works by Assotto Saint (Nightboat Books, 2023). Reprinted with permission of Nightboat Books.

Source: Poetry (May 2023)
More Poems by Assotto Saint