Caroline Kennedy on Learning Poems by Heart
When you memorize a poem, it becomes a part of you forever. As Caroline Kennedy explains, “If we learn poems by heart, we will always have their wisdom to draw on, and we gain an understanding that no one can take away.” In Poems to Learn by Heart, Kennedy has chosen more than 100 poems that can speak to all of us.
We’ve collected some the poems from the book below, along with a guide that gives teachers everything they need to present and perform poems with their students and instill in them a lifelong love of poetry.
Teacher’s Guide to Poems to Learn by Heart [PDF]
Includes activities aligned to Common Core Standards for grades K-3, 4-6, and 7-12.
Selected Poems
Grades K-3
“Don't Worry if your Job is Small” by Anonymous
“Some Words Inside of Words” by Richard Wilbur
Grades 4-6
“Invitation to Love” by Paul Laurence Dunbar
“A Blessing” by James Wright
Grades 7-12
“Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes
“Bilingual/Bilingüe” by Rhina Espaillat
“If—” by Rudyard Kipling
“Ballad of Birmingham” by Dudley Randall
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My students have been learning poems by heart for over 10 years now. By the end of the year they know over 40 poems that we present at a June recital. The best part is that I have found that by sharing poems with enthusiasm, inviting the children to join in, NOT having tests, pressure or homework, that they readily and eagerly learn the poems TOGETHER. It does not take very much time and has many educational benefits: helps with reading fluency, performance, vocabulary, content knowledge, poetry basics, writing, exposure to sophisticated language construction, and leads to an interest in all kinds of poems and poets laying the ground work for future interest in poetry. Knowing poems by heart and performing them as a class builds teamwork and camaraderie. When you "carry poems in your pocket" you need never be bored! You can entertain yourselves and others and learn. Can't wait to read this book and more of the teacher support ideas on this site. THANK YOU Caroline Kennedy and The Poetry Foundation!