Ekphrastic poetry, when a poem works to describe or evoke another work of art, is one of the most ancient modes of poetry. Most often associated with visual art, ekphrastic...
Read Patti Smith’s “the sheep lady from algiers” out loud, several times. A few questions you might consider, either in writing or with others:
What do you notice about the sounds...
As a poet, I began my hybrid arts practice with Elmer’s glue, Crayola finger-paints, Microsoft Word, and no formal training. My grandmother was murdered, I needed a form for the...
In “Papyrus Pantoum,” Arthur Sze composes a complex and powerful landscape through the evocation, repetition, and recombination of vivid and delicately rendered images. Sze uses negative space, located in the...
When I think of the ars poetica, I think often of TV shows that break the fourth wall. Older examples like The Office and Modern Family, and more recently, Fleabag...