August 1989
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- David Baker
- Peter Balakian
- Thomas Carper
- G. Chandra
- Robin Chapman
From this Issue
poemBy William MatthewsThe wallful of quoted passages from his work,with the requisite specimens pinned nextto their literary cameo appearances, was too gooda temptation to resist, and if the curator couldn’t,why should we? The prose dipped and shimmeredand the “flies,” as I heard...
poemBy John UntereckerThe canyon walls close in again,slant light a silver glare in brown water.The water is only knee deep, but when the boy reaches the  boulders—purple dark, silvered by the smash of brute water—water will tear at his chest and arms.The...
poemBy Stephen KuusistoFires, always fires after midnight,the sun depending in the purple birchesand gleaming like a copper kettle.By the solstice they’d burned everything,the bad-luck sleigh, a twisted rocker,things “possessed” and not-quite-right.The bonfire coils and lurches,big as a house, and then it settles.The...
Table of Contents
William Matthews
Peter Balakian
Allen Hoey
Art Homer
G. S. Sharat Chandra
Janet McAdams
Gary Fincke
John Unterecker
Laurence Goldstein
William Trowbridge
Stephen Kuusisto
Richard Foerster
Robin S. Chapman
Joan Swift
Thomas Carper
David Baker
Michael Waters
Short Reviews
Robert B. Shaw
- Short Reviews
- Desperate Characters, by Nicholas Christopher
- The Intelligence of Clouds, by Stanley Moss
- Blossoms and Bones: On the Life and Work of Georgia O'Keeffe, by Christopher Buckley
- Frameless Windows, Squares of Light, by Cathy Song
- A Guide to Forgetting, by Jeffrey Skinner
- Shores and Headlands, by Emily Grosholz
Stephen Yenser
- William Matthews
- Peter Balakian
- Allen Hoey
- Art Homer
- G. S. Sharat Chandra
- Janet McAdams
- Gary Fincke
- John Unterecker
- Laurence Goldstein
- William Trowbridge
- Stephen Kuusisto
- Richard Foerster
- Robin S. Chapman
- Joan Swift
- Thomas Carper
- David Baker
- Michael Waters
- Robert B. Shaw
- Stephen Yenser