August 1966
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Carroll Arnett
- Etta Blum
- Phyllis Brooks
- William Burford
- Helen Chasin
Table of Contents
Raymond Roseliep
Eight Haiku
Raymond Roseliep
Josephine Jacobsen
Bruce Cutler
Carroll Arnett
Robert David Cohen
Phyllis Brooks
Kathleen Fraser
William Burford
Richard Howard
Lisel Mueller
Barry Spacks
Theodore Enslin
Samuel Moon
Adrienne Rich
- Six Anthologies
- The Cassell Book of English Poetry (Ed. by James Reeves)
- The Earth Is the Lord's: Poems of the Spirit (Ed. by Helen Plotz)
- Sprints and Distances: Sports in Poetry and the Poetry in Sport (Ed. by Lillian Morrison)
- Men Who March Away: Poems of the First World War (Ed. by I. M. Parsons)
- The Golden Journey: Poems for Young People (Ed. by Louise Bogan and William Jay Smith)
- Medieval Welsh Lyrics (Tr. by Joseph P. Clancy)
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Raymond Roseliep
- Josephine Jacobsen
- Bruce Cutler
- Etta Blum
- Carroll Arnett
- Jacob Leed
- Robert David Cohen
- Phyllis Brooks
- Helen S. Chasin
- Kathleen Fraser
- William Burford
- Josephine Miles
- Richard Howard
- Lisel Mueller
- Barry Spacks
- Theodore Enslin
- Samuel Moon
- Adrienne Rich