August 1965
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Roy Basler
- William Burford
- Jim Harrison
- Lorine Niedecker
- Joel Sloman
Table of Contents
Following the "Markings" of Dag Hammarskj
William E. Stafford
Jim Harrison
Joel Sloman
Eve Triem
Ruth Whitman
William Burford
Roy Basler
Constance Urdang
William E. Stafford
Hayden Carruth
M. L. Rosenthal
- New Works on Pound
- Translations, by Ezra Pound
- A Bibliography of Ezra Pound, by Donald Gallup
- Ezra Pound: Poet as Sculptor, by Donald Davie
- Poet in Exile: Ezra Pound, by Noel Stock
- The Cantos of Ezra Pound: A Critical Study, by George Dekker
- The Confucian Odes of Ezra Pound: A Critical Appraisal, by L. S. Dembo
- William E. Stafford
- Jim Harrison
- Joel Sloman
- Eve Triem
- Ruth Whitman
- William Burford
- Lorine Niedecker
- Roy Basler
- Constance Urdang
- David Wagoner
- Hayden Carruth
- M. L. Rosenthal
- G. S. Fraser
- Lewis Turco
- Marvin Bell