August 1927
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- John Rodker
- Harriet Monroe
- Louise Bowman
- Alexa Byrne
- Miriam Cavin
Table of Contents
Monstrous Happenings
Ruth Manning-Sanders
Three Songs
Irene Stewart
Alfred Kreymborg
Sherwood Trask
Santie Sabalala
On the Range
Alexa Byrne
Dorothy M. Richardson
From the Far East
Ruth Tenney
Ted Olson
Two Poems
John Rodker
Dorothy McVickar
Two Poems
John A. Holmes
Eugene C. Dolson
Katherine Newton
Louise Morey Bowman
Harriet Monroe
John Rodker
Marie Luhrs
Henry B. Fuller
Margery Swett Mansfield
Harriet Monroe
Brief Notices
- Ruth Manning-Sanders
- Irene Stewart
- Alfred Kreymborg
- Sherwood Trask
- Santie Sabalala
- Alexa Byrne
- Dorothy M. Richardson
- Ruth Tenney
- Ted Olson
- Miriam Cavin
- John Rodker
- Dorothy McVickar
- John A. Holmes
- Eugene C. Dolson
- Katherine Newton
- Louise Morey Bowman
- Harriet Monroe
- Marie Luhrs
- Henry B. Fuller
- Margery Swett Mansfield