August 1924
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Dorothy Aldis
- Howard Buck
- Floy Campbell
- Elizabeth Coatsworth
Table of Contents
Howard Buck
Dorothy Keeley Aldis
Robert Hillyer
Selden Lincoln Whitcomb
Herbert S. Gorman
Leon Herald
In an Arizona Valley
Katherine Wisner McCluskey
Elizabeth J. Coatsworth
Celia Mary Kennedy
James Rorty
Fiske Conant
Floy Campbell
Jessica Jackson
Two Poems from the Irish
Anthony Raftery
Lyrics of the Shadows
Harriet Monroe
Nelson Antrim Crawford
Margery Swett Mansfield
Harriet Monroe
Dorothy Keeley Aldis
Nelson Antrim Crawford
Brief Notices
- Howard Buck
- Dorothy Keeley Aldis
- Robert Hillyer
- Selden Lincoln Whitcomb
- Herbert S. Gorman
- Leon Herald
- Katherine Wisner McCluskey
- Elizabeth J. Coatsworth
- Celia Mary Kennedy
- James Rorty
- Fiske Conant
- Floy Campbell
- Jessica Jackson
- Anthony Raftery
- Agnes Lee
- Harriet Monroe
- Nelson Antrim Crawford
- Margery Swett Mansfield