- Giovanni Pascoli
- Saadi Youssef
- Anonymous
- Rainer Rilke
- Abraham Sutzkever
From this Issue
poemBy AnonymousPangur Bán and I at work,Adepts, equals, cat and clerk:His whole instinct is to hunt,Mine to free the meaning pent.More than loud acclaim, I loveBooks, silence, thought, my alcove.Happy for me, Pangur BánChild-plays round some mouse’s den.Truth to tell, just...
poemBy Giovanni PascoliI stared into the valley: it was gone—wholly submerged! A vast flat sea remained,gray, with no waves, no beaches; all was one.And here and there I noticed, when I strained,the alien clamoring of small, wild voices:birds that had lost their...
poemBy Saadi YoussefWe boys, the neighborhood’s barefootWe boys, the neighborhood’s nakedWe boys of stomachs bloated from eating mudWe boys of teeth porous from eating dates and pumpkin rindWe boys will line up from Hassan al-Basri’s mausoleum to the Ashar River’s sourceto meet...
Table of Contents
Seamus Heaney
Giovanni Pascoli
Geoffrey Brock
Khaled Mattawa
Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib
Hugo Von Hofmannsthal
Stéphane Mallarmé
Saadi Youssef
Gabriel Preil
Henri Volohonsky
Ilya Kutik
Mario Luzi
Sayyid Abdalla Bin Ali Bin Nasir
Ruby Rahman
Bertolt Brecht
Ileana Malancioiu
Wisława Szymborska
Clare Cavanagh
George Seferis
Hédi Kaddour
Ottó Orbán
Robert Desnos
Semezdin Mehmedinović
Biddy Jenkinson
Abraham Sutzkever
Jacqueline Osherow
Antjie Krog
Ōtomo No Yakamochi
Rainer Maria Rilke
Jorge Luis Borges
W. S. Merwin
- Anonymous
- Seamus Heaney
- Giovanni Pascoli
- Geoffrey Brock
- Khaled Mattawa
- Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib
- Hugo Von Hofmannsthal
- Stéphane Mallarmé
- Saadi Youssef
- Gabriel Preil
- Henri Volohonsky
- Ilya Kutik
- Mario Luzi
- Sayyid Abdalla Bin Ali Bin Nasir
- Ruby Rahman
- Bertolt Brecht
- Ileana Malancioiu
- Wisława Szymborska
- Clare Cavanagh
- George Seferis
- Hédi Kaddour
- Ottó Orbán
- Robert Desnos
- Semezdin Mehmedinović