April 1967
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- George Barker
- Marvin Bell
- David Bromige
- Albert Cook
- Larry Eigner
Table of Contents
W. S. Graham
Jean Valentine
Albert Cook
Anselm Hollo
William Heyen
David Bromige
Robin Skelton
George Barker
M. L. Rosenthal
Hazard Adams
Ralph J. Mills Jr.
Robert Patrick Dana
- The Golden Treasury (Ed. by Francis Turner Palgrave and John Press)
- [John Press, Laura Riding]
- Poems on Poetry (Ed. by Robert Wallace and James G. Taaffe)
- The Fugitive Poets (Ed. by William Pratt)
- The Mentor Book of Irish Poetry (Ed. by Devin A. Garrity)
- Poetry in Australia (Ed. by T. Inglis Moore and Douglas Stewart)
- Five Anthologies
- W. S. Graham
- Jean Valentine
- Marvin Bell
- Albert Cook
- Larry Eigner
- Robert Peterson
- Anselm Hollo
- William Heyen
- John Koethe
- David Bromige
- Robin Skelton
- George Barker
- M. L. Rosenthal
- Hazard Adams
- Ralph J. Mills Jr.
- Robert Patrick Dana
- Victor Contoski