April 1941
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Louise Bowman
- Mary Colman
- Robert Finch
- Leo Kennedy
- A. Klein
Table of Contents
Two Poems
E. J. Pratt
Duncan Campbell Scott
The Psalter of A. M. Klein
A. M. Klein
Three Poems
A. J. M. Smith
Two Poems
Five Poems
Floris Clark McLaren
Four Poems
Robert Finch
Mary Elizabeth Colman
Two Poems
Louise Morey Bowman
Two Poems
L. A. Mackay
Two Poems
Anne Marriott
Pelham Edgar
Leon Edel
W. E. Collin
- E. J. Pratt
- Duncan Campbell Scott
- A. M. Klein
- A. J. M. Smith
- F. R. Scott
- Leo Kennedy
- Floris Clark McLaren
- Robert Finch
- Mary Elizabeth Colman
- Louise Morey Bowman
- L. A. Mackay
- Anne Marriott
- Dorothy Livesay
- Pelham Edgar
- Leon Edel
- W. E. Collin