April 1936
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Horace Gregory
- William Phillips
- Peggy Church
- Robert Frost
- Raymond Holden
Table of Contents
Robert Frost
Ten Mills
The Unceasing Fountain
Lilian White Spencer
Frederic Prokosch
Two Tongues
J. E. Scruggs
Margery Swett Mansfield
Roberta Teale Swartz
Poems after the Fact
Naomi Katz
Ted Olson
Raymond Holden
Fated Steps
Robert B. Read
Frances Dickenson Pinder
Harriet Monroe
Morton Dauwen Zabel
John Wheelwright
Louise Bogan
Horace Gregory
Two Brief Notices
Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Robert Frost
- Peggy Pond Church
- Lilian White Spencer
- Frederic Prokosch
- J. E. Scruggs
- Margery Swett Mansfield
- Roberta Teale Swartz
- Naomi Katz
- Ted Olson
- Raymond Holden
- Robert B. Read
- Frances Dickenson Pinder