April 1934
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Baker Brownell
- F. Leavis
- Katherine Chapin
- Franklin Folsom
- John Gill
Table of Contents
New Meanings
These Days
Marjorie Knapp
Katherine Garrison Chapin
Two Poems
James Neugass
John Gill
Fire Poems
Helen Hoyt
Sidelong Glances
Shan Sinclair
Something There Is
Henry W. Rago
To Meet the Rose
Mabel Simpson
James J. Ryan
Preludes and Impromptus
Elder James Olson
Morton Dauwen Zabel
S. Foster Damon
Léonie Adams
Harriet Monroe
R. P. Blackmur
Robert Fitzgerald
Willard Maas
Allen Tate
Brief Notices
- Harold Rosenberg
- Franklin Folsom
- Marjorie Knapp
- Katherine Garrison Chapin
- James Neugass
- John Gill
- Helen Hoyt
- Shan Sinclair
- Henry W. Rago
- Mabel Simpson
- James J. Ryan
- Elder James Olson
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- S. Foster Damon