April 1927
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Dorothy Aldis
- Laura Benet
- Amy Bonner
- Dana Burnet
Table of Contents
Eunice Tietjens
Toward Silence
Earl Marlatt
Charles L. O'Donnell
John Hall Wheelock
Laura Benet
Under the Sangre di Cristo
Elizabeth J. Coatsworth
Two Poems
Ethel Talbot Scheffauer
Three Poems
Robert Graves
Dana Burnet
R. E. Hieronymus
Stolen Moments
Florence Edsall
Stones to Skip
Dorothy Keeley Aldis
Amy Bonner
Harriet Monroe
George H. Dillon
Harriet Monroe
Yvor Winters
Marie Luhrs
- Eunice Tietjens
- Earl Marlatt
- Charles L. O'Donnell
- John Hall Wheelock
- Laura Benet
- Elizabeth J. Coatsworth
- Ethel Talbot Scheffauer
- Robert Graves
- Dana Burnet
- H. Thompson Rich
- R. E. Hieronymus
- Florence Edsall
- Dorothy Keeley Aldis
- Amy Bonner
- Ellen Glines
- Harriet Monroe
- George H. Dillon
- Yvor Winters
- Marie Luhrs