an introduction

my god wakes up with bed head
and sticky fingers, doesn’t
want to go into work today

my god forgets to do the dishes
lets all the houseplants die

my god teenages
built this earth on Friday night
and tires of it on Sunday morning

my god commands
a willing army, unwillingly
mutters, whines

my god is so type B
just wants to be left alone
just wants to smoke a cigarette
and not think of the parents and their children

my god is a liar
always one foot out the door
and ready to leave me here
if that’s what it takes

my god fickles
breaks every bony promise
picks away at the meat
laughs when i tantrum

still, i half-kneel and pray a half-prayer
bend until i can look myself in the eye
still, there is no god but God
so i make do with this one