Allah Castles
are what my son,
with a 5-year-old’s
sweetness, calls every
house of worship,
is how I can tell
he is a traveler too.
O, how many times
I’ve performed salah
in empty churches,
whispered ameen
at mass, made wudu
before holding
the Torah or the
Guru Granth Sahib,
nodded reverently
at the statue of Ganesh
in my best friend’s
home. God is God
is God, is a wisdom
my son’s already
divined, that echoes
through the spaciousness
of his wonder. When
I lie beside him
tonight, recite the
Ayat al-Kursi,
then blow its protective
blessings over his
beaming face, his
growing body,
I too think of Allah,
of His many castles,
His singular Throne.